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Gp Pro Ex 4 Key VERIFIED Crack: The Best Way to Create and Edit HMI Projects with GP-Pro EX Ver. 4.0


- Daily efforts ensured 55 AMXS' win of the 2005 ACC Maintenance Effectiveness Award--promotion earned! - DCC on two acft; spearheaded 99 HS/OS flts/earned Top Wrench award in June 07'--superior BTZ candidate - Dedicated Crew Chief on 80-0172; maintained assigned acft at 92% FMC Jun-Aug--obliterated 80% CAF std - Dedicated Flight Chief; ensures personnel trained and knowledgeable of AFI's; 100% QA pass rates for personnel- Dedicated to trng--compl'd CFETP 7-level core tasks/CDCs ahead of 4 month schedule--increased unit productivity- Dedicated to tng; accomplished all req'd CFETP core tasks 8 mos ahead of schedule--incrs'd unit's 7-level capes 10%- Demo'd expertise on red-ball; plt'd t/s'g & interface unit r2/halfed std fix time--launched on-time/fwd-dply'd 8 SOC trps - Demonstrated exceptional ability; chosen over 53 fellow Airmen in flight as NCO of the Quarter--promote now - Demonstrated extensive diesel generator knowledge; troubleshot engine malfunction to faulty voltage regulator - Demonstrated precise TO compliance; 9/9 QA evaluations/zero defects--reinforced 98% pass rate 1st quarter of FY15 - Demonstrated core values; exceptional knowledge, skill, ability; safety minded; 0 tech data violations, 0 DSV's - Deployed 132 days to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; led mx spt of 216 ATO's/2.7K cmbt flt hrs--destroyed 6.2K ISIL targets- Deployed 67 days--mx effort led to 83.7% MC rate 10% over AF std--secured valuable intel for CENTAF/CC - Deployed 67 days; earned 100% QA eval pass rate/follow-ups--instrumental in 55 AMU's 96.73% pass rate - Deployed 93 days to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar--contributed to 168 combat sorties/1,638 flight hrs in the AOR - Deployed CDDAR tm leader; responded to 7 IFEs/cleared rwy in ACC std - Directly contributed to Ex RED FLAG 12-4; ID'd/R2'd damaged right flap--yielded 166 sorties/393 flight hrs - Directly contributed to RED FLAG Exer 12-4 166 sorties/393 flying hrs--recognized as "Superior Performer" - Directly supported President Ford memorial flyover; dedicated driver--sustained 30 aircraft sortie generations - Disc'd delaminated rudder; removed/facilitated repair/installed 8 hrs...saved 18 manhours/flew code 1 next 3 flts- Discovered strut leak on aircraft postflight insp--assisted hydraulic shop repack strut--ensured on-time launch - Discovered three loose engine inlet rivets; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $1.5M asset - Discovered throttle cable FO; saved 20+ man-hours--prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand - Discovered two brakes leaking hydr fluid; orchestrated repairs--acft met quick turn/contributed to 8.5K flt hrs - Discovered worn tire/expedited replacement on quick-turn--readied a/c for critical on-time continuation sortie - Discovered/corrected improperly safety-wired air cycling motor oil cap--saved AF $23K in replacement parts - Discovered/rem'd throttle cable FO; prevented removal of seats/hatches/center isle stand--saved 20 man-hrs - Discovered/removed FO in stabilizer actuator; prevented potential loss of flight control/damage to acft/crew - Discovered/replaced corroded nose wheel spacers during pre-flt insp--prevented nose gear steering failure - Discovered/replaced defective gear axle spacer--evaded possible axle damage--saved AF $42K/12 hrs of mx - Discovered/replaced defective starter control valve during acft launch--quick actions enabled HHQ tasking - Discovered/replaced leaking spoiler actuator return hose; adverted loss of hydraulic sys; ensured on-time launch - Discovered/replaced worn tire during preflight insp--launched acft on-time for IRAQI FREEDOM combat msn - Discovered/rpr'd #2/3 prop blade leaks; trnd 3 Amn on reseal/assy of hub/blade--evaded $186K/70-man-hrs overhaul - Dispatched 8K+ pieces of AGE; pre-positioned to support 336 FS--key to completion of 13K+ flying hours - Dispatched for flt line assist; verified fan turbine blade nick in limits...negated engine removal/saved 140 man-hrs - Dispatched to damaged brake crossover cable--replaced cable; airdrop msn complete/ensured aircrew safety - Dispatched to LAIRCM malfunction; ID'd/R2'd inop laser turret--aided transfer of 2 MRAP armor kits to FOB - Displayed professionalism above peers/towards assigned duties; ready for added challenges--promote to SrA! - Distinguished member ISO Inspection team; key role in ISO Dock earning "Top Notch MXG traveling trophy - Diverse maintainer; assisted wpns flt w/gunbay FO search/found screw--prevented possible 24 hr acft impound - Dominant C-40 FCC; crewed 10 msns/ramrodded 133 all-sys tasks/val'd 5 chkrides--dlvr'd 4 DVs to 17 multinat'l confs - Dply'd Debrief NCOIC; analyzed data input accuracy--1.3K msns generated...15K pax/48K tons of cgo moved- Dply'd in OIR; first 8-wks 358 munitions dropped, 360 sorties flown, 1.2K flt hrs--supt'd coalition in ISIS destruction - Dply'd iso SABER STRIKE; fixed 4 msn crit items/32 mx actions--enhanced rdns f/18K & lrgst US dplymt since CW - Dress and appearance above reproach; garnered Flight Chief's "Sharp Troop" award, Nov 06--NCO to emulate - Driven self-improvement; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now - Driven; completed 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction - Driven; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll" - Dropped 40 tracks; 40 link-16 capable a/c enhanced visual of contact point; 40 TICs & PRIs supported - Drove 115 sched mx tasks/zero late; keyed unit's 3.3K sorties CY17/F-35 best--FW awd'd AF Outstanding Unit Awd - Drove 1st F-35 WDE TDY; gen'd/recovered 6 acft/100 prsnl--instrumental to 1st OT AMRAAM live fire msn - Drove six programs; earned "Honor Role" rating by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team inspectors - Dynamic Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief; expertly launched 1,115 sorties/catalyst to 95% msn effectiveness - Dynamic ldr/technician; 55th MXG NCO Maint Professional Qtr/Jan--Mar FY '07--promotion well deserved! - Dynamic technician; overcame multiple challenges--key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate--recent promotion deserved

- Keen eye! Spotted >10 major HAZMAT discrepancies; 100% EPA/QA pass rate--over $700K in EPA fines prevented- Keen eye--detected bird strike damage on nose radome--replaced radome--HHQ deployment met without delay - Keen eye--discovered multiple bird strikes--coor'd structural repair--cornerstone to assigned acft's 94 sorties - Keen eye; ID'd nose wheel steering unit cannon plug broken just prior to taxi--avoided definite CAT I mishap - Keen eye; ID'd station 2 weapon rack cannon plug detached just prior to taxi--avoided certain CAT I mishap - Keen eye; identified unsecured engine oil cap during launch proceedure--averted sortie loss/engine catastrophe - Keen eye; located missing MLG wheel assembly keyway/averted impoundment process--saved >28 man hours - Keen eye; recognized unsafe aircraft jack during service inspection--actions averted personnel/aircraft hazard - Keen inspector; ID'd cracked MLG uplock switch/coordinated repairs--adverted catastrophic gear malfunction - Key ADCC on sqd's trainer acft; launched 139 sorties/649 flt hrs--attributed to wg's 82.5% MC rate promote - Key contributor winning Grover Loening Trophy! 20 Bus Efforts, 16 Coronets, PACAF support, Global Thunder - Key member during wartime efforts--driving force behind 55th Wing receiving the AF Meritorious Unit Award - Key OIF/OEF asset; sustained six acft for GWOT msns--attributed to 24.4K flt hrs/98% msn effectiveness rate - Key ORI member essential to flight contribution of sortie generation--efforts vital to 4 FW "Excellent" rating - Key player during 2012 LCAP visit; rcvd two quality verification insps--contributed to sq "Outstanding" rating- Key player in CORE; helped installation of 18 a/c chutes/canisters--garnered 1st CORI pass from ACC/IG - Key player; deployed in support of Operations IRAQI/ENDURING FREEDOM--8K successful combat sorties - Key to '11 AFGSC LCAP success; id'd two lbs FO during F/L FOD walk--cemented 2 MXS "Excellent" rating - Key to 4-month average 97% in-commission rate; directly contributed to 8,000 aircraft combat sorties flown - Key to AGE ready line reorganization during AEF deployment; increased equipment storage capability by 40% - Key to success of ORI reliability checks; 167 sorties flown; direct impact on wing's overall "Excellent" rating - Knowledgeable mechanic; replaced hydraulic test stand diesel engine--no defects noted during final inspection - Knowledgeable technician; executed superb performance in support of OEF/OIF--streamlined daily efficiency - Knowledgeable/reliable; was hand picked to work at the BITC due to low manning--ensured base msn success

Gp Pro Ex 4 Key VERIFIED Crack

- Pacesetter; co-authored AGE parking plan; decreased ramp parking/increased availability--promote to SMSgt! - Participated in hangar prep for SECDEF; assembled stage/vacuumed floor grates--lauded by 2 BW leadership - Participated in JIDS; reviewed 919 tasks/deleted 19/revised 16/added 3 tasks--simplified 2A5X1 core tasks - Participated in mustache march; exemplified dedication, effectively excluded wmn--increased "Esprit De Corps"- Participated in Operation Nightlight; performed security for $26.8M project/75 personnel--sustained FOL msn - Participated in Phase II exercises; trained Airmen on post attack reconnaissance in preparation for 4 FW ORI - Passed 4/4 QA inspection w/ zero defects; spt'd SQ's 92% QA pass rate--pivotal to 552 ACW to earn AFOUA- Passed two no-notice QA assessments; performed w/o fault--contributed to unit's superb 98% pass rate Jan '07 - Passed two on the spot QA assessments; performed w/o discrepancy--contributed to superb unit 98% pass rate Jan '16- Patriotic, selfless Airman; volunteered five times to set up BAFB avenue of flags--bolstered community spirit - Patriotic; supported successful 21-ship F15-E fly-by--efforts paid respect to former President Gerald R. Ford - Performed 10 B-52 phase insps; contributed to 19.5K mx actions/returned 4.5K hrs--sq won '11 AFGSC MEA - Performed 100 meticulous 7-level inspections; 100% Quality Assurance pass rate--provided quality AGE units - Performed 150+ AGE inspections in 4 months--key to flight's 94% average equipment in-commission rate - Performed 168 7-level eqpmt insps; achieved 92% overall readiness rate--enabled 1,558 AMC/jt partner msns- Performed 200 EOR insps; corrected 19 discrepancies/averted six GACs--spt'd sqs' 5% Apr '18 AR/8% std, 12-mo low - Performed 200+ security clearance checks; allowed members access to restricted areas; mission successful - Performed 25 flood light service insps during two jt intermodal ops; 237 helos redeployed--saved DoD $100M- Performed 26 identification friend or foe checks; averted overdue insps--contributed to FY13 **.*% MSE rate - Performed 46 main landing gear break changes--helped push deployed msn capability rate 10% above ACC std - Performed 58 maintenance actions that directly contributed to 336th AT impressive 94% in-commission rate - Performed 65 inspections and maintenance actions; key to flight's 95% in-commission rate--3.5K sorties flown - Performed 80 inspections/100+ maintenance actions--instrumental in flight's 96% average in-commission rate - Performed 89 inspections, 75 major/minor maintenance actions--contributed to flight's 96% in-commission rate - Performed 92 yearly inspections 80 major/minor maintenance actions--vital to flight's 96% in-commission rate - Performed emerg tow supervisor duties after tow bar separated--halted runaway acft/damage to $159M asset - Performed fleet equipment overhaul for 18 acft/reduced -21 discrepancies from 55 to 10--23 MXG ORI ready - Performed nitrogen servicing cart membrane modification; raised critical equipment in-commission rate 50% - Performed on the spot tripod jack pump replacement; ensured proper aircraft lowering--averted work stoppage - Performed on-the-spot axle jack repair; uninterrupted acft maintenance ensured sortie surge generation success - Performed Preflight during CORI-09; efforts garnered "zero-defect"--launched on time leading to wg success - Performed supervisor/refuel task; earned 100% pass rate by evaluators--key to units zero 2007 LSET findings - Performed Transient Alert mx controller duties; coordinated 47 a/c recoveries--successful '12 wing airshow - Performed urgent action TCTO; repaired damaged brake wiring--key to AETC Maintenance Daedalian Awd - Performs/supervises aircraft basic postflight, preflight, thruflight, walk around and other special inspections - Personally involved in up-grade/continuation training of 24 Crew Chiefs--maintained integrity of unit training - Persued BS in Business Mngmnt; completed 12 credit hrs--raised GPA to 3.6/enhanced professional skillset - Persued Education; completed Math/Speech crs/6 credit hrs w/ perfect 4.0 GPA--earned AFSC CCAF degree - Piloted 15 personal during OEF deployment; efforts led to 90.4% MC rate/ID 7 troops for "recce wrench" awd - Piloted preflt inspections; mentored 60+ mbrs on fltline stds/logistics--estab'd 2 MXS as "a force to be reckoned with" - Pin pointed actuator leak; replaced/ops checked sys--SOUTHCOM msn saved/secured 8.5 hrs of intel info - Pin-pointed air cycle machine malfunction; troubleshot/replaced mixing valve--factor in unit's 77% MC rate - Pin-pointed brake leak during "red ball" mx--changed component in 30 min vs. std 60 min--msn launch restored - Pin-Pointed improper ADTU cannon plug hardware; rapidly replaced defective parts--prevented FOD to $20M asset - Pin-pointed leaking brake; retorqued hydr line--averted possible fire/saved $189K in acft parts/380 man-hrs - Pinpointed crack/damage on aft wing spar; assisted in repair--raised available knowledgeable personnel 10% - Pinpointed cracked acft fuel vent mast during thru-flight; R2'd mast 2ff7e9595c

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