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Experience the Magic of Tolkien's World in Lego The Hobbit PC Games Full Version


If you've played any of the Lego Whatever games before, that about sums it up. They don't change a vast amount between licenses and this one is no exception. Two-player co-op that's perfect for parents and kids, running through a slapstick version of the first two movies, swapping characters to use different skills and smashing everything that can be smashed for both items and the delicious jangling sound of thousands of Lego studs going into the pot. Levels are linear and recreate moments from the movies, unlocking for free play once completed, with plenty more to do on a sprawling world map full of additional characters, quests and other goodies to make 100% completion a solid challenge for any player.

Lego The Hobbit PC Games Full Version

The glitches my dad and I are running into while playing the PC version of Lego LotR are crazy though. Falling into walls, boss fights that refuse to move on once they are finished, the ground not loading under your feet, making you fall into the void until you restart, falling out of the stage in Rivendell, Etc. When it works, it is good fun but major glitches are shamefully common. Lego Marvel sounds fun, but I am worried about the same thing happening.

@RaymanFan2The base game formula has stayed similar however I'd say each game has added something. (Don't knw about lotr or the hobbit games). It's been slowly morphing. Some of the changes stick (combo system, voice acting etc) some don't (Indiana Jones' borderline broken focus of puzzles the ai can't handle). They've always made the right call on what to keep imo.

One of the important aspect about the game is that it has a very beautiful graphics and visual effects. A number of various locations have been added in Lego The Hobbit Game where every point is fully dynamic and customisable. There are a number of latest weapons used in the game where main focus has been put on quality and technology. As a role playing action game with a unique set of dialogues used , player will enjoy all scene in it. There is another game that you may like to play is called lego pirates of the caribbean. Download it free from our website.


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